
Module Contents#



Container for margin cache generation arguments

class MarginCacheArguments[source]#

Bases: hipscat_import.runtime_arguments.RuntimeArguments

Container for margin cache generation arguments

margin_threshold: float = 5.0[source]#

the size of the margin cache boundary, given in arcseconds. setting the margin_threshold to be greater than the resolution of a margin_order healpixel will result in a warning, as this may lead to data loss.

margin_order: int[source]#

the order of healpixels that will be used to constrain the margin data before doing more precise boundary checking. this value must be greater than the highest order of healpix partitioning in the source catalog. if margin_order is left default or set to -1, then the margin_order will be set dynamically to the highest partition order plus 1.

input_catalog_path: str = ''[source]#

the path to the hipscat-formatted input catalog.

input_storage_options: Dict[Any, Any] | None[source]#

optional dictionary of abstract filesystem credentials for the INPUT.

to_catalog_info(total_rows) hipscat.catalog.margin_cache.margin_cache_catalog_info.MarginCacheCatalogInfo[source]#

Catalog-type-specific dataset info.

additional_runtime_provenance_info() dict[source]#

Any additional runtime args to be included in provenance info from subclasses