Catalog Import Arguments#

This page discusses a few topics around setting up a catalog pipeline.

At a minimum, you need arguments that include where to find the input files, the column names for RA, and DEC, and where to put the output files. A minimal arguments block will look something like:

from hipscat_import.pipeline import ImportArguments

args = ImportArguments(

More details on each of these parameters is provided in sections below.

For the curious, see the API documentation for hipscat_import.catalog.arguments.ImportArguments, and its superclass hipscat_import.runtime_arguments.RuntimeArguments.

Pipeline setup#


We will either use a user-provided dask Client, or create a new one with arguments:

dask_tmp - str - directory for dask worker space. this should be local to the execution of the pipeline, for speed of reads and writes. For much more information, see Temporary files and disk usage

dask_n_workers - int - number of workers for the dask client. Defaults to 1.

dask_threads_per_worker - int - number of threads per dask worker. Defaults to 1.

If you find that you need additional parameters for your dask client (e.g are creating a SLURM worker pool), you can instead create your own dask client and pass along to the pipeline, ignoring the above arguments. This would look like:

from dask.distributed import Client
from hipscat_import.pipeline import pipeline_with_client

args = ...  # ImportArguments()
with Client('scheduler:port') as client:
    pipeline_with_client(args, client)

If you’re running within a .py file, we recommend you use a main guard to potentially avoid some python threading issues with dask:

from hipscat_import.pipeline import pipeline

def import_pipeline():
    args = ...

if __name__ == '__main__':


The import pipeline has the potential to be a very long-running process, if you’re importing large amounts of data, or performing complex transformations on the data before writing.

While the pipeline runs, we take notes of our progress so that the pipeline can be resumed at a later time, if the job is pre-empted or canceled for any reason.

When instantiating a pipeline, you can use the resume flag to indicate that we can resume from an earlier execution of the pipeline. By default, if any resume files are found, we will restore the pipeline’s previous progress.

If you want to start the pipeline from scratch you can simply set resume=False. Alternatively, go to the temp directory you’ve specified and remove any intermediate files created by the previous runs of the hipscat-import pipeline. You should also remove the output directory if it has any content. The resume argument performs these cleaning operations automatically for you.

Reading input files#

Catalog import reads through a list of files and converts them into a hipscatted catalog.

Which files?#

There are a few ways to specify the files to read:

  • input_path:

    will search for files the indicated directory.

  • input_file_list:

    a list of fully-specified paths you want to read.

    • this strategy can be useful to first run the import on a single input file and validate the input, then run again on the full input set, or to debug a single input file with odd behavior.

    • if you have a mix of files in your target directory, you can use a glob statement like the following to gather input files:

in_file_paths = glob.glob("/data/object_and_source/object**.csv")

How to read them?#

Specify an instance of InputReader for the file_reader parameter.

We use the InputReader class to read files in chunks and pass the chunks along to the map/reduce stages. We’ve provided reference implementations for reading CSV, FITS, and Parquet input files, but you can subclass the reader type to suit whatever input files you’ve got.

You only need to provide the file_reader argument if you are using a custom file reader or passing parameters to the file reader. For example you might use file_reader=CsvReader(sep="\s+") to parse a whitespace separated file.

You can find the full API documentation for hipscat_import.catalog.file_readers.InputReader

class StarrReader(InputReader):
    """Class for fictional Starr file format."""
    def __init__(self, chunksize=500_000, **kwargs):
        self.chunksize = chunksize
        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def read(self, input_file):
        starr_file = starr_io.read_table(input_file, **self.kwargs)
        for smaller_table in starr_file.to_batches(max_chunksize=self.chunksize):
            smaller_table = filter_nonsense(smaller_table)
            yield smaller_table.to_pandas()

    def provenance_info(self) -> dict:
        provenance_info = {
            "input_reader_type": "StarrReader",
            "chunksize": self.chunksize,
        return provenance_info


args = ImportArguments(
    ## Locates files like "/directory/to/files/**starr"
    ## NB - you need the parens here!


If you’re reading from cloud storage, or otherwise have some filesystem credential dict, put those in input_storage_options.

Which fields?#

Specify the ra_column and dec_column for the dataset.

There are two fields that we require in order to make a valid hipscatted catalog, the right ascension and declination. At this time, this is the only supported system for celestial coordinates.

If you’re importing data that has previously been hipscatted, you may use use_hipscat_index = True. This will use that previously compused hipscat spatial index as the position, instead of ra/dec.

Healpix order and thresholds#

When creating a new catalog through the hipscat-import process, we try to create partitions with approximately the same number of rows per partition. This isn’t perfect, because the sky is uneven, but we still try to create smaller-area pixels in more dense areas, and larger-area pixels in less dense areas.

We use the argument pixel_threshold and will split a partition into smaller healpix pixels until the number of rows is smaller than pixel_threshold. We will only split by healpix pixels up to the highest_healpix_order. If we would need to split further, we’ll throw an error at the “Binning” stage, and you should adjust your parameters.

For more discussion of the pixel_threshold argument and a strategy for setting this parameter, see notebook Estimate pixel threshold

For more discussion of the “Binning” and all other stages, see Temporary files and disk usage

Sparse Datasets#

For sparse datasets you might want to force your catalog partitioning to avoid partitions with very large area on they sky.

Why? If you have sparse data that you know you will want to cross-match or join to a catalog that is much denser, you may find yourself trying to match a large (in terms of area on the sky) pixel to thousands of smaller pixels in the denser catalog that occupy the same large region in the sky. Using more pixels of higher order will have some inefficiencies in terms of on-disk storage, but will be easier to compute joins and cross-matches to large datasets.

There are two strategies for tweaking the partitioning:

  • order range - use the lowest_healpix_order argument, in addition to the highest_healpix_order.

  • constant order - use the constant_healpix_order argument. This will ignore the pixel_threshold, highest_healpix_order, and lowest_healpix_order arguments and the catalog will be partitioned by healpix pixels at the constant_healpix_order.

Progress Reporting#

By default, we will display some progress bars during pipeline execution. To disable these (e.g. when you expect no output to standard out), you can set progress_bar=False.

There are several stages to the pipeline execution, and you can expect progress reporting to look like the following:

Mapping  : 100%|██████████| 72/72 [58:55:18<00:00, 2946.09s/it]
Binning  : 100%|██████████| 1/1 [01:15<00:00, 75.16s/it]
Splitting: 100%|██████████| 72/72 [72:50:03<00:00, 3641.71s/it]
Reducing : 100%|██████████| 10895/10895 [7:46:07<00:00,  2.57s/it]
Finishing: 100%|██████████| 6/6 [08:03<00:00, 80.65s/it]

For very long-running pipelines (e.g. multi-TB inputs), you can get an email notification when the pipeline completes using the completion_email_address argument. This will send a brief email, for either pipeline success or failure.



You must specify a name for the catalog, using output_artifact_name.

You must specify where you want your catalog data to be written, using output_path. This path should be the base directory for your catalogs, as the full path for the catalog will take the form of output_path/output_artifact_name.

If there is already catalog data in the indicated directory, you can force a new catalog to be written in the directory with the overwrite flag. It’s preferable to delete any existing contents, however, as this may cause unexpected side effects.

If you’re writing to cloud storage, or otherwise have some filesystem credential dict, put those in output_storage_options.

In addition, you can specify directories to use for various intermediate files:

  • dask worker space (dask_tmp)

  • sharded parquet files (tmp_dir)

  • intermediate resume files (resume_tmp)

Most users are going to be ok with simply setting the tmp_dir for all intermediate file use. For more information on these parameters, when you would use each, and demonstrations of temporary file use see Temporary files and disk usage


You may want to tweak parameters of the final catalog output, and we have helper arguments for a few of those.

add_hipscat_index - bool - whether or not to add the hipscat spatial index as a column in the resulting catalog. The _hipscat_index field is designed to make many dask operations more performant, but if you do not intend to publish your dataset and do not intend to use dask, then you can suppress generation of this column to save a little space in your final disk usage.

The _hipscat_index uses a high healpix order and a uniqueness counter to create values that can order all points in the sky, according to a nested healpix scheme.

sort_columns - str - column for survey identifier, or other sortable column. If sorting by multiple columns, they should be comma-separated. If add_hipscat_index=True, this sorting will be used to resolve the index counter within the same higher-order pixel space.

use_schema_file - str - path to a parquet file with schema metadata. This will be used for column metadata when writing the files, if specified. For more information on why you would want this file and how to generate it, check out our notebook Unequal schema problems.

debug_stats_only - bool - If True, we will not create the leaf parquet files with the catalog data, and will only generate root-level metadata files representing the full statistics of the final catalog. This can be useful when probing the import process for effectiveness on processing a target dataset.

epoch - str - astronomical epoch for the data. defaults to "J2000"

catalog_type - "object" or "source". Indicates the level of catalog data, using the LSST nomenclature:

  • object - things in the sky (e.g. stars, galaxies)

  • source - detections of things in the sky at some point in time.

Some data providers split detection-level data into a separate catalog, to make object catalogs smaller, and reflects a relational data model.