Index Table#

This page discusses topics around setting up a pipeline to generate a secondary index lookup for a field on an existing hipscat catalog on disk.

This is useful if you would like to have quick access to rows of your table using a survey-provided unique identifier that is NOT spatially correlated. To find the row, you would have to perform a full scan of all partitions. A secondary index performs this full scan and shuffle and writes out a simple mapping from the unique identifier to where it can be found in the sky.

At a minimum, you need arguments that include where to find the input files, and where to put the output files. A minimal arguments block will look something like:

from hipscat_import.index.arguments import IndexArguments

args = IndexArguments(

More details on each of these parameters is provided in sections below.

For the curious, see the API documentation for hipscat_import.index.arguments.IndexArguments, and its superclass hipscat_import.runtime_arguments.RuntimeArguments.

Dask setup#

We will either use a user-provided dask Client, or create a new one with arguments:

dask_tmp - str - directory for dask worker space. this should be local to the execution of the pipeline, for speed of reads and writes. For much more information, see Temporary files and disk usage

dask_n_workers - int - number of workers for the dask client. Defaults to 1.

dask_threads_per_worker - int - number of threads per dask worker. Defaults to 1.

If you find that you need additional parameters for your dask client (e.g are creating a SLURM worker pool), you can instead create your own dask client and pass along to the pipeline, ignoring the above arguments. This would look like:

from dask.distributed import Client
from hipscat_import.pipeline import pipeline_with_client

args = IndexArguments(...)
with Client('scheduler:port') as client:
    pipeline_with_client(args, client)

If you’re running within a .py file, we recommend you use a main guard to potentially avoid some python threading issues with dask:

from hipscat_import.pipeline import pipeline

def index_pipeline():
    args = IndexArguments(...)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Input Catalog#

For this pipeline, you will need to have already transformed your catalog into hipscat parquet format. Provide the path to the catalog data with the argument input_catalog_path.

indexing_column is required, and is the column that you would like to create and index and sort over.

extra_columns will also be stored alongside the indexing_column. This can be useful if you will need to perform some lookups frequently, and you can just perform a single read.


In generating an index over a catalog column, we use dask’s set_index method to shuffle the catalog data around. This can be a very expensive operation. We can save a lot of time and general compute resources if we have some intelligent prior information about the distribution of the values inside the column we’re building an index on.

Roughly speaking, the index table will have some even buckets of values for the indexing_column. The division_hints argument provides a reasonable prior for starting values for those histogram bins.

Note that these will NOT necessarily be the divisions that the data is partitioned along.


Use a python list

It’s important to dask that the divisions be a list, and not a numpy array, and don’t forget to append the maximum value as an extra division at the end.

String IDs#

Gaia DR3 uses a string identifier for its catalog and we show how to create sample divisions for that data.

We can create these divisions with just the prefixes of strings, and string sorting will be smart enough to collate the various strings appropriately.

divisions = [f"Gaia DR3 {i}" for i in range(10000, 99999, 12)]
divisions.append("Gaia DR3 999999988604363776")

Getting hints from _metadata#


Don’t panic!

This is totally optional, and just provided here for reference if you really aren’t sure how to provide some division priors.

Parquet’s _metadata file provides some high-level statistics about its columns, which includes the minimum and maximum value within individual parquet files. By reading just the _metadata file, we can construct a reasonable set of divisions.

First, find the minimum and maximum values across all of our data. We do this just by looking inside that _metadata file - we don’t need to do a full catalog scan for these high-level statistics!

Then use those values, and a little arithmetic to create a list of divisions (it’s important to dask that this be a list, and not a numpy array). Pass this list along to your ImportArguments!

import numpy as np
import os
from import write_parquet_metadata
from import file_io

## Specify the catalog and column you're making your index over.

## you might not need to change anything after that.
total_metadata = file_io.read_parquet_metadata(os.path.join(input_catalog_path, "_metadata"))

# This block just finds the indexing column within the _metadata file
first_row_group = total_metadata.row_group(0)
index_column_idx = -1
for i in range(0, first_row_group.num_columns):
    column = first_row_group.column(i)
    if column.path_in_schema == indexing_column:
        index_column_idx = i

# Now loop through all of the partitions in the input data and find the
# overall bounds of the indexing_column.
num_row_groups = total_metadata.num_row_groups
global_min = total_metadata.row_group(0).column(index_column_idx).statistics.min
global_max = total_metadata.row_group(0).column(index_column_idx).statistics.max

for index in range(1, num_row_groups):
    global_min = min(global_min, total_metadata.row_group(index).column(index_column_idx).statistics.min)
    global_max = max(global_max, total_metadata.row_group(index).column(index_column_idx).statistics.max)

print("global min", global_min)
print("global max", global_max)

increment = int((global_max-global_min)/num_row_groups)

divisions = np.append(np.arange(start = global_min, stop = global_max, step = increment), global_max)
divisions = divisions.tolist()

Progress Reporting#

By default, we will display some progress bars during pipeline execution. To disable these (e.g. when you expect no output to standard out), you can set progress_bar=False.

There are several stages to the pipeline execution, and you can expect progress reporting to look like the following:

Mapping  : 100%|██████████| 2352/2352 [9:25:00<00:00, 14.41s/it]
Reducing : 100%|██████████| 2385/2385 [00:43<00:00, 54.47it/s]
Finishing: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:03<00:00,  1.15it/s]

For very long-running pipelines (e.g. multi-TB inputs), you can get an email notification when the pipeline completes using the completion_email_address argument. This will send a brief email, for either pipeline success or failure.



You must specify a name for the index table, using output_artifact_name. A good convention is the name of the primary input catalog, followed by the index column threshold, e.g. gaia_designation would be an index table based on gaia that indexes over the designation field.

You must specify where you want your index table to be written, using output_path. This path should be the base directory for your catalogs, as the full path for the index will take the form of output_path/output_artifact_name.

If there is already catalog or index data in the indicated directory, you can force new data to be written in the directory with the overwrite flag. It’s preferable to delete any existing contents, however, as this may cause unexpected side effects.

If you’re writing to cloud storage, or otherwise have some filesystem credential dict, put those in output_storage_options.

In addition, you can specify directories to use for various intermediate files:

  • dask worker space (dask_tmp)

  • sharded parquet files (tmp_dir)

Most users are going to be ok with simply setting the tmp_dir for all intermediate file use. For more information on these parameters, when you would use each, and demonstrations of temporary file use see Temporary files and disk usage


You may want to tweak parameters of the final index output, and we have helper arguments for a few of those.

compute_partition_size - int - partition size used when computing the leaf parquet files.

include_hipscat_index - bool - whether or not to include the 64-bit hipscat spatial index in the index table. Defaults to True. It can be useful to keep this value if the _hipscat_index is your only unique identifier, or you intend to re-partition your data.

include_order_pixel - bool - whether to include partitioning columns, Norder, Dir, and Npix. You probably want to keep these! Defaults to True. If you change this, there might be unexpected behavior when trying to use the index table.

drop_duplicates - bool - drop duplicate occurrences of all fields that are included in the index table. This is enabled by default, but can be very slow. This has an interaction with the above include_hipscat_index and include_order_pixel options above. We desribe some common patterns below:

  • I want to create an index over the target ID in my catalog. There are no lightcurves in my data and it is a flat catalog.

    # target_id is unique, and I don't need to keep extra data
    # I want to know where my data is in the sky.
    # target_id is unique, and I don't need to do extra work to de-duplicate
  • I have a catalog of light curve data. there is a unique detection_id and light curves are grouped by the target_id. I want to create an index over the target_id to quickly get a light curve for a target. I want one row in my index for each partition with a given target_id

    # target_id is NOT unique
    # target_id is NOT unique, but including the _hipscat_index will bloat results
    # I want to know where my data is in the sky.